Perceived Supports and Barriers of Instructors During Emergency Remote Instruction
Wesley Y. Alejandro, Cristine Donham, Erik Menke, Hillary Barron, Petra Kranzfelder
The sudden shift to emergency remote instruction (ERI) as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has had pedagogical effects in the classroom. Previous research suggests that online instruction requires a carefully maintained student-centered teaching strategy — something that is hard to maintain in an emergency transition. The present work aims to assess what barriers and supports instructors perceive as they transition to ERI. Instructors at a midsize research university (n = 30) Instructors were interviewed with 7 questions about their experiences with ERI, with 2 questions being about perceived supports and barriers. Using about 10% of the data (4 interviews), perceived supports and barriers were given codes during a blind, open code process using grounded theory methods. To ensure validity, open coding was done independently by five coders in parallel, and coders came together to build consensus. Analytic memos were also written during the open coding process. Consistently appearing codes became entries in a codebook. Using qualitative codes, we were able to find codes of what instructors perceived as supports and barriers during the transition to ERI. By being able to qualitatively analyze perceived supports and barriers due to ERI, we will be better informed about future teaching and learning disruptions. Future research could also explore how ERI has affected students from groups that are disproportionately affected by social and health disparities.
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