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Student Instructions

Please submit your file for the showcase here.

Submit your research file by Monday, July 27 at 10:00AM to be included in the showcase. 

Digital Media/Creative Project

This virtual format provides an opportunity for students to submit additional formats or creative projects. This may include storymaps, interactive digital media, or links to websites for evidence of your summer research. 

For any video files, you can submit in its original format, linked to your Box or Google Drive, or upload to your own Youtube account. If you are submitting a link for youtube, ensure your settings allow for public access.


Oral Presentation Instructions

1. Create a 7-10 minute research presentation showcasing the research conducted during Summer 2020

2. Submit your presentation titled ‘PROGRAM_FirstNameLastName_Pres". You can use any program to create your presentation (Microsoft Powerpoint, Apple Keynote, or Google Slides). 

You can record yourself presenting in different applications. This is not required but good practice for your future conference presentation. Here is an example of a voiced-over/video presentation featuring slides.


Poster Instructions

1. Create a 36-inch by 48-inch (landscape) research poster showcasing the research conducted during Summer 2020.

2. Include author(s), institution, and appropriate logos.

3. Receive Faculty Mentor approval prior to submission.

4. Submit your poster in PDF format. Save the file as "PROGRAM_FirstNameLastName_Poster.pdf" and if resubmitting include date in filename.

Other Notes:

  • Color: It is recommended to choose a lighter color for the poster background, preferably white. There are no other color restrictions for the text and images.
  • Font: Make sure the poster title and the authors' names are clearly identified. Choose a font size such that text on your poster is legible when you are zoomed out from your digital poster.
  • General Design: Avoid using excessive text as it makes it difficult to follow the poster. Use appropriate graphics wherever possible as they can convey information effectively and make the poster look appealing. 


Paper/Manuscript Instructions

Typical research papers are approximately 10 pages, double-spaced, 12-pt font, with separate title page and references page. Other style formatting, such as running heads or an abstract, are not required but welcomed. 
Note: Students should reference the journal they would submit to for specific article submission guidelines. (For example, MLA or APA style formatting.)

Submit your file in PDF format. Save the file as "PROGRAM_FirstNameLastName_Paper.pdf"