Impact of Emergency Remote Instruction on Student Perspectives of a Collaborative Learning Model
Namitha Bhat, Christian Urbina, Adriana Signorini, Petra Kranzfelder
Team-Based Learning (TBL) is an evidence-based teaching strategy that promotes student learning, but we studied a course that used a slightly different collaborative learning model (CLM) involving multiple instructors and office hours. However, the COVID-19 pandemic caused classrooms to unexpectedly shift to emergency remote instruction (ERI), so it was unknown how this would impact student perspectives of the CLM. In this study, we investigated how student perspectives of this CLM were impacted by ERI during the COVID-19 pandemic. We collected data from a large enrollment, introductory biology course at a midsize, minority-serving institution. We administered a Qualtrics survey in the middle and the end of the semester, which included 10 questions on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. We calculated the relative frequency of student perspectives of the CLM and represented changes between mid- and end-of semester surveys with stacked bar charts, column charts, and pie charts. Additionally, we asked students to respond to open-ended questions to explain their perspectives, which we categorized into general themes using inductive content analysis. We found that many students found collaborative teaching less helpful and some found additional office hours and in-lecture teams more helpful during ERI. While most students acknowledged that ERI impacted their learning, many agreed this CLM was beneficial. Despite changes from the TBL model, more STEM instructors can implement this CLM in their classroom to help active learning, both remotely and in-person.
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