Join us on Friday, July 30, 2021
Attend this virtual event to support and celebrate our undergraduate researchers. There will be time for public Q&A after each presentation. Presentations are open to the public so invite family and friends to support the scholars.
About the Symposium
The UROC Annaul Summer Symposium is an opportunity for scholars to present their research from this summer they conducted with faculty mentors as part of the Summer Undergraduate Research Institute (SURI). UROC at UC Merced offers this wonderful opportunity for undergraduate students to showcase their research in a professional setting.

More information can be found on the Symposium page on this website. https://uroc.ucmerced.edu/summer-symposium
To add the event to your calendars visit the UC Merced Events page - https://events.ucmerced.edu/event/uroc_annual_undergraduate_research_sym...